Now a days, CSR remains a buzzword. However, for us it’s more of a way we do our business as a group. It has evolved as a fourth dimension, which is the soul of our organization, where it is translated into basic values apart from the vision and mission of the organization. We practice social responsibility in a way to sustain future; not just at the industrial level, but at each and every layer of our group. In fact, it’s more like an alignment one seeks. Generally, people tend to align themselves to these values; they will gravitate provided they are willing to, have integrity, are in pursuit of excellence and look forward to long term sustainability of every member, including stakeholders and suppliers.
Corporate Social Responsibility remains an activity which is the core differentiator between creation of wealth and making money. While making money is all about earning for a day or a year and is restricted to oneself, creation of wealth pertains to working with people as a part of the organization for overall betterment of the country and the world at large. And along the way people getting enriched is a mere by-product of the company’s activities.
In short, CSR is embedded in the DNA of our organization. In this direction, we have started exporting Indian handicrafts in a bid to promote the Indian cottage industry and fulfill our social reasonability towards the society at large. CSR remains for us as a way of changing lives by creating and innovative eco system. However we do not believe in mere doling out hand-outs. The larger concern for us is about inculcating a sense of self respect and a sense of empowerment in an individual towards his growth.
Keeping the Indian Heritage Alive… India is one of the important suppliers of handicrafts to the world market. The Indian handicrafts industry is highly labor intensive cottage based industry and decentralized, being spread all over the country in rural and urban areas. Numerous artisans are engaged in crafts work on part-time basis. The industry provides employment to over six million artisans (including those in carpet trade), which include a large number of women and people belonging to the weaker sections of the society. In addition to the high potential for employment, the sector is economically important from the point of low capital investment, high ratio of value addition, and high potential for export and foreign exchange earnings for the country. Therefore, we at RCI promote Indian handicrafts abroad in a bid to sustain the livelihood of millions of Indians. livelihood of millions of Indians.
B - 97, All Heavens Building, Wazirpur Ring Road, Delhi - 110052, India
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